Organic medicinal lemon balm
Native to the Mediterranean, Asian and European regions, lemon balm is a lemon-scented, aromatic, perennial herb with serrated heart-shaped leaves and small blue, yellow or white flowers, typical of the Lamiaceae family. It is widely cultivated and naturalised throughout the world in temperate climates.
Melissa is the Greek word for “bee”, so named because bees love this wonderfully fragrant herb.
For centuries, melissa has been used for its health benefits and has been highly valued for its emotional and spiritual effects. It has often been used to promote a sense of calm and is drunk as lemon balm tea, infused into other herbal tea blends and used in body care recipes.
Long used to soothe the heart and body, the subtle lemony flavour of lemon balm lifts the spirit and flavours any culinary dish it is added to. It has been used to sweeten jams and jellies, as an accompaniment to salads, and to make drinks. Melissa is also used in perfumes, cosmetics and ointments.
The use of Melissa dates back thousands of years to ancient Roman and Greek times. As Nicholas Culpeper (English botanist, herbalist, physician) mentioned, the properties of melissa are spiritual in nature, affecting the emotions, and healthy for the heart.
Melissa officinalis is used in Ayurveda to soothe the stomach and balance the mood. It is also used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), where Melissa is considered to be energetically cooling and drying.
Our ancestors used Melissa to achieve relaxation and emotional balance. Sources
1. Journal of Natural & Ayurvedic Medicine
2. Organicfacts
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